
I am currently completing a degree in English at UC Santa Barbara. These are my various thoughts and musings about American pop culture and society, higher education and education policy, literature, music, and the creative processes. I hope to pursue careers in screenwriting and music upon finishing my degree. I currently produce electronic music using Ableton and play DJ sets as often as I can in my college town of Isla Vista, CA.

Writing is a way for me to wrap my head around the goings-on around me, be they political, social, academic, creative, or unrelated entirely. Fingers crossed something resonates with others – that’s what writing is for, right?

I hope to use this platform to help articulate the frequent complexities that life chucks at everyone and inspire some positivity in response to an ever-confusing world. Reading and sharing reputable news articles and pop-culture pieces on Facebook only goes so far, so here we are.

Find me on Instagram @fonzmakesmusic or Twitter @FonzCreative